teamwork project - justa for fun!

Started by justa, December 21, 2023, 04:30:15 PM

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I didn't think I'd finish this project until after New Year's, but here we are.  Merry Christmas!

A while back in a discussion about OP, and teamwork (TW) cards in particular, the following was noted:

Legacy TW cards (except 1 – I'll get to that later) are all Type A to-use, with Type B & C follow up attacks.  This is fine and well, as it promotes SKO.  Yet most successful teams are built around 1 or 2 primary power types.  Why can't one of the follow up attacks be Type A?  Think of some of your favorite teams and imagine the possibilities...  This adaptation could promote CKO, in that primary power types should have higher value Power cards available.  (I've seen TW cards created with different attack and/or bonus values, and some with additional effects involved.  These are great explorations, but I am sticking to the legacy format with this project.)

   This resulted in 3 new TW cards for each to-use level (3) in each power type (4), for a total of 36 new TW cards.

Then the question came up of why can't BOTH follow up attacks be of the same Power Type as the TW card?  Well, that just shatters the legacy format of different power types for the follow up attacks.  But what about that other TW that doesn't match the usual format: 6A + 0A 0A?  (I've seen level 7&8 versions of this card, as well as versions of all 3 with the regular bonuses.)  The +0 bonus seemed to be an appropriate penalty to pay for getting to choose your power type (any usable Power card will do), but limiting its use to just that 1 card seemed restrictive.  Adding an AnyPower option to the mix will allow all 3 attacks from 1 TW card to be of the same power type, with 1 follow up getting no bonus.

   This resulted in 4 new TW cards for each to-use level (3) in each power type (4), for a total of 48 new TW cards.

But the 6A + 0A 0A TW was still a bother.  With a "wild card" requirement to-use, why not give it the same follow ups as the other power types?  Bonuses for AnyPower would still be +0, but bonuses for Energy, Fighting, Strength, & Intellect would be the appropriate level for the to-use requirement.  That means follow ups of EF, ES, EI, EA, FS, FI, FA, SI, SA, & IA.

   This resulted in 10 new TW cards for each AnyPower to-use level (3), for a total of 30 new TW cards.

Add it all together and you get 114 new TW cards.  Some people may find them useful and fun; some may consider them useless and a waste of time.  I enjoyed spending my spare time creating them, and that's enough for me. 

You can see them here:  new Teamwork cards

Since I used Marvel characters for the 2-type MultiPower cards, I chose to use DC groups for this project.  Some are pretty old, and may not be remembered.  All are identified under the cards.


Looks really cool. I love the variety. I worry about how they will perform in actual playtesting, but I think they've been pretty well thought out.


Thanks for the feedback.  I'm not worried at all about play testing.  These cards can't be "broken" because they are no different than the existing TW cards.  And the rules regarding duplicates based on "to-use" requirements are unchanged.  justa extra way to fine-tune a deck for the desired effect.

and of course, a kudo to you for keeping this site up & running.


My goodness! That's a lot of work. I really like the ones with the 0 Anypower options.


no "work" at all, my friend.  justa ME having fun (there's a pun in there somewhere).
I thought the "A" option was only appropriate, considering the discussion above.



SKO = Spectrum KO (3 power types)
CKO - Cumulative KO (20 or more points)
both (SKO & CKO) may be modified by the 1st rule of OverPower = "unless something says different"

so many views, so few comments.
