10 plus from DC - justa for fun!

Started by justa, October 24, 2017, 08:02:19 PM

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this next character has been a villain, a "hero", a reporter/commentator/narrator, Amber Butane of the Amber Butane Corps, lover of Cheeks, and many other things we don't need to mention.  he's broken the fourth wall so many times that the house is tilted.  He is
Ambush Bug


Comic Distraction
Dumb Luck
Freedom Of The Press
Saving Cheeks, The Toy Wonder
Simon Says
Trophy Wall

FYI - that's the 5th member of the Justice League of Anarchy in OP now, joining Trickster, Harley Quinn, Plastic Man, and Creeper.  if somebody has an idea of how to make 'Mazing Man fit into OP, i'm all ears.  (my grid for him would total around 8, and that's being generous.  a silly but fun read.)

might as well throw up (literally) the last 2 here as well.  neither of these really belong in OP as they don't team up well with others, and neither can actually be killed.  consider them experiments in imortality.

first is Black Flash.  i did Madame Webb for the spiderverse, so i might as well add him to the speedforce.  at least the grid sorta lines up.


Death In The Speed Force
Endless Pursuit
Energy Adsorption
Faster Than You
Numbers Don't Matter
The Next Black Flash

finally, after doing Impy for the Marvel thread, i couldn't resist doing Mxy here in DC.  text under the card for Mister Mxyzptlk details some design considerations (which may or may not excuse me from making him in the first place).


All Mxyzt-Up
Concrete Mxyzr-For The Birds
Dimensional Hijinks
Forget Somebody?
Gifts For The Taking
Grand Master
Malicious Mischief
Trick Or Treat
What Are You Smokin'?

and that evens up Marvel & DC.  not sure when or where i'll be going next.


I tried the sovereign seven series. didn't really like the first couple issues. should i stick with it?

Cool. I only know the Black Flash from the CW show.

All Mxyzt up says "an" instead of "on".



justa, how do you enforce the "teammate" part of Black Flash's IA? It's not like "speedster" is defined in the game anywhere.


Regarding the term "speedster": no, it is not defined anywhere that I know of.  I define "speedster" as a character that is insanely fast by physical means (though cyborg-enhancement or other reasons could be debated).  My intent had 3 specific categories of characters in mind.  First, obviously, is the DC speedsters which include Barry Allen, Wally West, Eobard Thawne, Hunter Zoloman, Jessequick, and some of the kids as well.  (Note: I've seen versions of all the characters I cited.)  The second category is speedsters from other publishers - Quicksilver and Velocity come to mind, but I'm sure there are others.  The third category is the debatable characters - electronic characters can exhibit great speed, and then there's Superman....

My philosophy leans more towards "if both players agree to it, then let's try it out".

None of which directly answers your question.  The simplistic beauty of it is, I don't need to "enforce" anything!  I merely present ideas for your perusal.  In light of the previous philosophy, if the cards work for you and yours, then I am both flattered and honored, and wish you Happy Venturing.  And if they don't work for you and yours, then justa don't use them.  No harm, no foul.  And Happy Venturing anyways!


Sorry, I'm an editor, so the brain twitches.

I've been doing something in my customs with Character "versions" -- the thing after the colon in later clones. So you could do a Flash: Speedster and Quicksilver: Speedster, for example.


You are an editor; I used to be a glorified technical writer back when I worked for a living.  Nowadays I get paid to stay home.  But I think I understand where you're coming from.ll
Someone could do ": Speedster" variants if they so wished to do so.  It will not be me.  I feel it is either understood as is, or it is unusable.


Dog: if you're talking, the "Marauder", "Excaliber", "House of X", "Destructive", "Deep Cover", etc. cards, yeah, I've definitely been digging them, as well as the Spider-developments.  If you and Francisco have a site other than Facebook that you post on (personal, 3rd party, etc.), I'd love you to send me a link (off-forum).  The reason I ask was that I noticed only ~1/2 of the Reign Of X set was posted on Facebook, so I wonder what else I might be missing out on.

thought i might try a few more portrayals that i've not seen done before.  some of the should have been made before this.  some of them probably should not have - ever.  who is to say?  as Rod Serling used to say, "Submitted for your perusal..."


Army Of Toys
Attack Planning
Body Doubles
Dreams Of Revenge
Small Operations
Some Assembly Required

and Metamorpho

Element Man
Molecular Mimic
The Element Of Surprise
The Fab Freak Of 1001 Changes
Variable Form


Destructive Methods
Find This Amusing?
Getting The Job Done
I'll Kill To Keep The Peace!
Special Forces
Street Sweeper
The Scarab Database


Darkside View
Heroic Legacy
Infinity, Inc.
Opaque Actions
Shadow Construct
Shadow Form
Size Alteration


Ally Of Freedom Beast
Bogadu, The Golden Gorilla
"Congo" Bill Glenmorgan
High-Impact Blow
Justice League
Saving The Day
Tally Ho!

Detective Chimp

Bureau Of Amplified Animals
Guild Of Detectives
Helm Of Nabu
Justice League Dark
Occult Inquisitor
The Oblivion Bar

June Moone

Artifact Annihilator
Change Outcome
Dzamor Manifest
Magical Blast
Suicide Squad
The Enchantress


Abiding Attraction
Eye Of The Storm
Queen Of Atlantis
The Ocean's Fury
Unlikely Allies
Xebelian Strength

Doctor Hurt

El Penitente
Hyper-Adapter Fusion
The Black Glove
The Three Ghosts Project


Boom Tube
High Threshold Of Pain
Kalibak The Cruel
Military Commander
Mother Box
New God
Welcome To Beta-Club-Dead

Rag Doll

Demented Thief
Don't Call Me Clown!
Surprise Assault
Villains United


Battle Suit
Beware My Power!
Code Name "Moneyspider"
Personal Boom Tube
Stun Baton
Throwing Stars

and finally, Trigon

Demonic Regeneration
Eldritch Blasts
Heart Of Darkness
I AM Power!
Ruler Of The Under-Realms
Warp Reality

all of my cards can be found here: http://justaopfan.deviantart.com/gallery/


a small addition to mirror the marvel thread.  i intended to continue the "attack of the clones" theme, but Comm. James Gordon is the only one, and it seemed redundant to do him solo, as it all comes back to the G.C.P.D.  but the research did point me do an un-done character:

Renee Montoya

Crack Shot
Defining Moment
Off-Duty Operation
Protect & Defend
Quick Reflexes
The New Question

which pointed me to another un-done character:

Richard Dragon

Bludhaven Brawl
Chi Channeling (several of you all have asked for something like this)
Death Match
Dragon Fists
Former Thief
Many Come- Some Learn
Martial Arts Master

for parity"s sake, since i did marvel's Super Adaptoid, i should present the DC predecessor (similar but different build):

Absorption-Cell Technology
Destructive Rage
Ivo's One-Man Justice League
Laser Vision
Mechanical Repairs
Object Duplication
Power Mimic

and again, for parity's sake, i did the Heralds of Galactus, so why not the
Heralds Of The Anti-Monitor (an actual team, short-lived as it was)

Cyborg Superman
The Anti-Monitor
The Power Of Fear

and finally (to go completely off the rails), a short lived team, based on an interesting concept, with some cool art; but the story line...  built for attack only, no defense outside of the exaggerated Power grid, nothing but OPD Specials, i present to you my version of:

Barbatos' Dark Knights

The Batman Who Laughs
The Dawnbreaker
The Devastator
The Drowned
The Merciless
The Murder Machine
The Red Death

that's all for now...


Sweet! Liking them. I love Destructive Rage for Amazo! I was working on him last week and we definitely went different ways but had some specials overlap. However the mechanics for destructive rage are so perfect for him i may have to scrap one of my other cards and use that on mine too!



to fennshysa: I checked out your Amazo on the "Lots & Lots" thread.  While more thematically correct, I'm not sure it works in an OP environment.  21 points for a character that may not be able to play most cards in your deck (depending on your team build vs. Opponent's team build).  A risky proposition at best.  The only special I disagreed with was the self-negate.  I'm not sure he warrant's that one.

to Majestic - I need to pull an Eeyore here: "Thanks for noticing me."  I am sometimes amazed at all the visits this site gets, yet so few people post.  I'll get over it.

my intent was to even up my DC posts with my Marvel posts - I'm 5 locations & 2 Missions short.  For the first location, I needed to add an extra character (which makes up for the Jubilee: Vampire cards).

JLA Detroit

Elongated Man
Martian Manhunter

which leads to the first location, Detroit MI

Dale Gunn
Jason Rusch

Nanda Parbat

Rama Kushna

next, I intentionally went lower-tier (& non-legacy) for Blackgate Penitentiary

Island Fortress
Utter Bedlam

Belle Reve  I've seen 50+ characters made for OP that fit in the location.

Implant Trigger
Rick Flag

the last location is primarily from Doom Patrol, with a nod to the New 52 version of the Teen titans.  Doom Patrol characters I've seen made for OP include the team itself, Chief, Elasti-Girl, Negative Man, Robotman, Beast Boy/Changeling. Celcius, Negative Woman, Elongated Man, Metamorpho, and Ambush Bug.  Presenting: Danny The Street

Danny The Ambulance
Danny The Brick
Danny The Island
Danny The World

That's all for now.  Sooner or later I'll be back with 2 Missions.


I decided on the 2 Missions - both are inter-connected.
First. I went with The Rise Of The Third Army, a crossover between Green Lantern Vol 5, Green Lantern Corps Vol 3. Red Lanterns, and Green Lantern New Guardians.  (Includes 6 Events based on the story.)

Which lead me to another Mission, that I titled "The Ring Masters".  (Considering that "Lord of the Rings" was already taken by Mr. J.R.R. Tolkien.)  Consider it Kyle Rayner's journey through the rings.  (Includes 7 Events, 1 of which is a duplicate of the Rise Of The Third Army.)

You can find the cards here: https://www.deviantart.com/justaopfan/gallery/64521128/miscellaneous-dc.


Very interested in Danny the Street. I was actually gonna make him as a dual Homebase/Character for a set I'm planning in the near future.


I look forward to seeing it.  A character version would fit right into his location, as technically he IS a Doom Patrol member.

8/13/24 - I also added 5 more locations: Checkmate HQ, Egypt, Iceberg Lounge, Land Of The Damned, & Planet Krypton (the restaurant, not home of the Supes)

they can be found here: https://www.deviantart.com/justaopfan/gallery/64521128/miscellaneous-dc

9/21/24 - added 4 characters (Monsieur Mallah, Nightmaster, Nightshade, & Solovar) and 3 locations (Evil Institute, Gorilla City Prime, & Oblivion Bar)

10/20  So many views, so few comments.

1/1/2025 - Happy New Year!  added Requiem (variant of Artemis, no specials), InterCEPT, Supermen Of America, Gangbuster, Rampage, and Simyan & Mokkari.