Old Overpower newsgroups

Started by Onslaught, May 07, 2010, 04:22:48 AM

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Does anyone ever look at the old rec.games.trading-cards newsgroup archives? It's a bit difficult to wade through all the trading/selling threads but there's a lot of gold in there with posts by most of the well known players.

None of it is still strategically applicable, but it's still good fun to see what things were like back then. I think the best part is the "mysticism" of it all since information was not as easily spread - rumors of lurking set release dates, or of a mysterious expert player to be found at a certain store...this kind of intangible/vague or almost otherworldly feel just doesn't exist in CCGs anymore, or anything for that matter (I was also reading some old Street Fighter newsgroups and the concept of the specialized master at each arcade was also a really mystic kind of concept).