My Name Is? (if you have 4 letters in it)

Started by Tussin, November 24, 2013, 08:30:03 PM

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you could even try this with 5 or 6 letters if you can fit it with first letter of a specific battlesite/homebase.
first/middle/last name.

also for your battlesite you can use the first letter of your last name to complete this design if possible. i cancelled out the deck types that were over the limit for a stat or not enough to make it... so i was able to narrow it down to a Fighting and Strength Deck using my name and trying to build the best deck i can with the style i want. to give yourself some wiggle room i say pick the mission you want since everything prior was under an austere restriction. for selecting artifact use the archetype corresponding to whats in your first name between the 4 stat types. E/F/S/I. (if nothing try whats in your last name) i would say it doesn't matter who you slot in reserve, but if you want to really push it just have the 4th letter of your name go in that place.

for my fighting deck the combo i love the best... Omega Red in reserve. my frontline has a solid mix between offense and defense with disruption. this team is designed to kill you with no remorse.

Fighting Lineup :
Omega Red      2-6-4     (12)
Witchblade       7-7-3-4 (21)
Elektra              2-7-4-4 (17) ~ May not be Spectrum KO'd with Fighting Power cards. ~
Nightcrawler     6-7-3-3 (19)

Mission: Shattered Image

Battlesite: Gamma Base

Battlesite Specials: 13
Doc Samson - Analytical Assault (EC)
Doc Samson - Head Shrinker (AR)
Doc Samson - Out-Think (KL)
Hulk - Enraged (AS) [OPD]
Hulk - Savage (NN)
Leader - Freehold (BR)
Leader - Techno-Arsenal (JH)
She-Hulk - Public Defender (AD)
She-Hulk - Brains & Brawn (CC)
She-Hulk - Legal Defense (LO)
Thunderbolts - Atlas (KT)
Thunderbolts - Techno (AE)
Abomination - Cellular Recovery (KR) [Power Balance]

Aspect Cards: 1
Any-Homebase - A-Next [OPD]

Specials: 19
Omega Red - Secrete Phermones (OPD)
Witchblade - Energy Wrath (OPD)
Witchblade - The Chosen (OPD)
Witchblade - Biomech Tendrils
Witchblade - Biomech Tendrils
Elektra - Ninja Trap (OPD)
Elektra - Anticipate
Elektra - Infiltration
Elektra - Infiltration
Elektra - Reclaim Honor
Elektra - Reclaim Honor
Elektra - Shuriken
Nightcrawler - Blindside (OPD)
Nightcrawler - Disappearing Act (OPD)
Nightcrawler - Power 'Port (OPD)
Nightcrawler - Vicious Teleport (OPD)
Nightcrawler - Bamf!
Nightcrawler - Bamf!
Nightcrawler - Tactical Teleport

Power Cards: 17
Energy: 5 6 7
Fighting: 5 6 7
Strength: 3 3
Intellect: 4 4
Multipower: 1 1 2 2
Any-Power: 5 6 7

Teamwork cards: 3
1 * Fighting 6 or more to use, follow-ups in Energy and Strength
1 * Fighting 7 or more to use, follow-ups in Energy and Intellect
1 * Energy 7 or more to use, follow-ups in Fighting and Intellect

Artifact: 1
Energy based
Teammate's Energy Rating increases to 7 for remainder of game.

Events: 2
* GEN 13 VS. THE REGULATORS... <IM> {U} Gen 13 & The Regulators
No cards with the word "Negate" may be played this battle.
* SPAWN SPIES... <IM> {U} Spawn
No cards with the word "Draw" may be played this battle.

Total Cards: 56

for my Strength team i love the combo of Overtkill's innate plus Cosmic Sneak Attack Event so i can sneak in unblockable lvl 1's with teamworks. Eradicator in reserve with ability to recycle dead teams specials when he flys to the front.

Strength Lineup :
Overtkill                       5-5-7-1 (18) follow up any teammate's TW card attack with a Level 1 Intellect Power card.
War Machine               5-4-7-3 (19)
Eradicator                   7-2-7-3 (19)
Namor : Sub-Mariner   3-5-8-4 (20)

Mission: Infinity Gauntlet

Battlesite: Gamma Base

Battlesite Specials: 12
Doc Samson - Analytical Assault (EC)
Doc Samson - Head Shrinker (AR)
Doc Samson - Out-Think (KL)
Hulk - Enraged (AS) [OPD]
Hulk - Savage (NN)
Leader - Techno-Arsenal (JH)
She-Hulk - Public Defender (AD)
She-Hulk - Brains & Brawn (CC)
She-Hulk - Legal Defense (LO)
Thunderbolts - Atlas (KT)
Thunderbolts - Techno (AE)
Abomination - Cellular Recovery (KR) [Power Balance]

Aspect Cards: 1
Any-Homebase - A-Next [OPD]

Specials: 17
Overtkill - Contract Hit (OPD)
Overtkill - Armor
Overtkill - Armor
Overtkill - Cyborg
Overtkill - High Caliber
Overtkill - High Caliber
War Machine - Battle Computer (OPD)
War Machine - Pepper Potts (OPD)
War Machine - Unleash Arsenal (OPD)
War Machine - Shield Teammate
War Machine - Shield Teammate
Eradicator - Power Punch (OPD)
Namor - Imperious Rex (OPD)
Namor - Sub-Mariner (OPD)
Namor - Watery Grave (OPD)
Namor - The Avenging Son
Namor - Winged Feet

Power Cards: 19
Fighting: 4 4 5 5
Strength: 2 2 6 6 7 7 8 8
Intellect: 1 1
Multipower: 3 3
Any-Power: 5 6 7

Teamwork cards: 4
1 * Strength 6 or more to use, follow-ups in Fighting and Energy
1 * Strength 7 or more to use, follow-ups in Fighting and Energy
1 * Strength 8 or more to use, follow-ups in Fighting and Energy
1 * Energy 7 or more to use, follow-ups in Fighting and Strength

Artifact: 1
Energy based
Teammate may play any Power card currently usable by Front Line for defense.

Events: 2
All level 1 Power Card attacks cannot be blocked this battle.
Resurrect 1 KO'd Hero. If 3 Heroes are still in play, resurrected Hero is placed in Reserve.

Total Cards: 56


ok thought i would do an intellect comp for my last name. artifact can turn elektra into a female batwoman, or ghostrider into a beast. Brood OPD and Batman Gordon OPD shuts down Intellect/Energy decks. for my last name i went with a battlesite that started with my first name O. start the Dark Knight in reserve. lots of my cards forces them to choose how they are going to respond to my onslaught. defensive front row. another possible mission i was thinking of was Fatal Attractions for the 4 card search event and to shut down opponents energy cards as well, but i think my setup is better to bring batman to the frontline and also have a no venture card to allow my guys to slug it out.

Intellect Lineup :
Ghost Rider                         6-6-6-2 (20) Only Spectrum KO'd by 4 Power Types
Elektra                                2-7-4-4 (17) Not Spectrum  KO'd w/ F Power cards
Ironman : Original Armor    4-3-5-7 (19) May have duplicate "Radar Warning"
Batman Detective (H)         4-4-4-8 (20) Play Gordon "Sting Operation"

Mission : Shattered Image

Battlesite: Outerspace

Battlesite Specials: 11
Brood - Power Hungry Monsters (BY) [OPD]
Brood - Overwhelm (AR)
Shi'ar - Fang (JW)
Silver Surfer - Stellar Bolt (AP)
Silver Surfer - Force Field (AG)
Super Skrull - Fantastic Enemy (HN)
Super Skrull - Imitation (CA)
The Starjammers - Corsair (AE)
The Starjammers - Majestrix Lilandra (KB)
Adam Warlock - The Infinity Watch (AD)
Adam Warlock - Cosmic Alliance (FE)

Aspect Cards: 1
Any-Homebase - A-Next [OPD]

Specials: 19
Ghost Rider - Hell on Whells (OPD)
Ghost Rider - Penance Stare (OPD)
Ghost Rider - Play With Fire (OPD)
Ghost Rider - Fire And Brimstone
Ghost Rider - Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider - Skeletal Summoning
Elektra - Martial Artist (OPD)
Elektra - Ninja Trap (OPD)
Elektra - Anticipate
Elektra - Infiltration
Elektra - Reclaim Honor
Elektra - Shuriken
Ironman - Heat Seeking Missile (OPD)
Ironman - Tactical Computer (OPD)
Ironman - Industrial Waste (OPD)
Ironman - Armored Avenger
Ironman - Radar Warning
Ironman - Stealth Armor
Batman - Sting Operation (OPD) [Comm. Gordon & G.C.P.D.]

Power Cards: 18
Energy: 2 4
Fighting: 1 3 5
Strength: 4 5
Intellect: 6 6 7 7 8
Multipower: 1 2 3
Any-Power: 5 6 7

Teamwork cards: 4
1 * Fighting 7 or more to use, follow-ups in Energy and Intellect
1 * Strength 6 or more to use, follow-ups in Intellect and Fighting
1 * Intellect 7 or more to use, follow-ups in Fighting and Strength
1 * Intellect 8 or more to use, follow-ups in Fighting and Strength

Artifact: 1
Intellect based
Teammate's Intellect Rating increases to 7 for remainder of game.

Events: 2
* GEN 13 VS. THE REGULATORS... <IM> {U} Gen 13 & The Regulators
No cards with the word "Negate" may be played this battle.
* SPAWN SPIES... <IM> {U} Spawn
No cards with the word "Draw" may be played this battle.

Total Cards: 56