Blackcat's BA - Kiss of Death

Started by chuu, November 20, 2014, 11:43:25 AM

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Hi guys,

Just wondering the mechanics of this card.  Here are a couple possible scenerios:

Played against x-babies or any other team

Played against a male character but defended by spiderwoman or another female.

Played against a male character, shifted to a female character and then defended with an AD type avoid from the male character that it was shifted from.

Played against a male character, can it be defended by a female character activator?

Played against a male character with Stars and Garters already in play.

Played against a male character with TK Shield already in play.

i just made a team with Blackcat and wanted to know how useful it would be.


I took a stab at this.  Please understand that these are just my opinions/initial thoughts, and I'm open to any feedback anyone may have regarding my responses.

Is there a formal Overpower definition of "defend"?  From the little paper rule book (c/o I got the following:

QuoteIn order to successfully block an incoming Attack, the Character who is being attacked must play one of the following Defensive Actions:

  • A Power card with a Value equal to or greater than the Value of the incoming Attack.
  • A Power card plus a Basic Universe card that, added together, are equal to or greater than the Value of the incoming Attack.
  • A Power card plus a Universe: Training card that, added together, are equal to or greater than the Value of the incoming Attack.
  • A Tactic: Doubleshot combined with a Power card. When this is used for defense, the Tactic card protects only the Character playing the card.
  • A defensive Special or Aspect card that defeats the specific Power Type and/or Value of the incoming Attack.
  • An Activator card that may be immediately exchanged with a defensive Special card from beneath a Battlesite that defeats the specific Power Type and/or Value of the incoming attack.

With that in mind, the list above is the things that a male hero can't do.   (I've also numbered the items from the OP to make it easier to discuss further.

Quote from: chuu on November 20, 2014, 11:43:25 AM
1. Played against x-babies or any other team
No idea on this one...

Quote from: chuu on November 20, 2014, 11:43:25 AM
2. Played against a male character but defended by spiderwoman or another female.

This is allowed - the male hero is not playing a defensive action

Quote from: chuu on November 20, 2014, 11:43:25 AM
3. Played against a male character, shifted to a female character and then defended with an AD type avoid from the male character that it was shifted from.

This one seems a bit tricky.  I beleive that the male or female character may play the shift card, because this does not defend (although it is a 'defensive action'), but only a female may play an AD to defend the attack.

Quote from: chuu on November 20, 2014, 11:43:25 AM
4. Played against a male character, can it be defended by a female character activator?

I beleive that a male character playing an activator, regardless of the activator's gender, would be not allowed.  For example: Front Line is Thing / Mr. F / Invisible Woman.  Attack on Mr. F:
  (A) Mr. F plays "avoid 1 attack" female [or male] activator - not allowed
  (B) Thing plays "teammate may avoid 1 attack" female [or male] activator - not allowed
  (C) Invisible Woman plays "teammate may avoid 1 attack" male [or female] activator - allowed

Quote from: chuu on November 20, 2014, 11:43:25 AM
5. Played against a male character with Stars and Garters already in play.

Stars and Garters represents a phantom 5th hero in my opinion.  The attack that is directed toward the hero is shifted to S&G - regardless of S&G's gender, I believe this is allowed.

Quote from: chuu on November 20, 2014, 11:43:25 AM
6. Played against a male character with TK Shield already in play.

See S&G discussion above.  I believe this is okay.
"I could almost taste the victory...but ultimately it was denied, as is usually the case." - Nate Grey

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Latest Customs: Black BoltIron Fist * S.H.


Teams are not considered Male even if the team is comprised of only Male characters (Team X for example).


lol, that's lame...i was thinking about it, for x-babies and reavers, their defense (negate) has a guy on


Jack - did you agree with my responses for the other cases in the question?

I have a Black Cat deck, as well, and I'd like to know that I'm doing this right, too.
"I could almost taste the victory...but ultimately it was denied, as is usually the case." - Nate Grey

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Latest Customs: Black BoltIron Fist * S.H.


it mostly looks good to me, except for the shift

the shift is played defensively, so it's part of the defense.  she hulk or rogue could shift the attack to them, but cap couldn't


so Dr. Doom or Omega red couldn't shift away from them?

What about image inducer, how would that work?


I agree with breadmaster's interpretation of the shifting, I initially had that thought but wanted to look it up after work.


I don't know that I agree - is there any meta/precedent that supports that?

When the text talks about special cards it specifically makes reference to defeating the attacking card...

What would the ruling be for the FF homebase shift? 
"I could almost taste the victory...but ultimately it was denied, as is usually the case." - Nate Grey

My Customs

Latest Customs: Black BoltIron Fist * S.H.


you can shift with the image inducer since it's already been played, and not part of the defense.  same with inherent abilities (ffp)

the same goes for cards like EBs (like you mentioned), or vertigo (LN)

Meta #44 When a card specifies what cards may (or may not) be used to defend it, this includes ALL cards used in the defense.

the guide says the attack can be negated, but then goes on to cite a meta that says it can't.  I've brought that up before, and the consensus was that a male still couldn't negate it.  defensively, that is...the card can always be negated offensively after it hits