Fun, non competitive decks

Started by Kyoujin, July 31, 2015, 07:21:28 AM

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I'm going through another deck building phase, and I'm trying to build some fun things to play against other, non competitive decks.

The first idea I'm toying with is a control-esque deck.  For example, taking advantage of Gambit's FK and "The Best Laid Plans..." event.  You could also include BJ and CW characters at the same time and try and lock down the field with Madripoor as a battlesite.  That way, you'd have access to negates and an 8 grid.  You could also include 2 GL or potentially have three 11 attacks.  Lots of fun options with that idea.

The second deck is a super defensive deck: Captain America, Zealot, Wonder Woman, Spider-Woman.  Each character has an AD, three 8s up front (all fighting), but still have some power.  You could either ramp up the defense with Outback as a battlesite, or go completely offensive with the likes of Danger room.

I know there MUST be some cool ideas out there!  Post 'em!


hawkeye or thing are good reserve choices

special spectrum ko 1
black widow AA energy
sabra AB strength
sabertooth AA fighting

s s ko 2
black widow AN intellect
sabra NW energy
sabertooth AR strength

could also replace sabertooth with daredevil (same F and I as widow) better self and team defense at the sacrafice of 8 F
and use silver sable in reserve
s s ko 3
black widow AA energy
daredevil AB fighting
sabra AB strength

s s ko 4
black widow AN intellect
daredevil HF energy or fighting
sabra NW energy

he heh heh
just icon them into defeat
alpha flight 21 they have 5 (for a total of 36) 10 any 9 strength or intellect  5 strength or intellect(anti bsattlesite) 4 energy or fighting 2 strength that becomes 8 energy
nightcrawler 19 he has 6 (for a total of 31)9 energy OPD 3 strength (and two attacks at +2 OPD) 5 energy fighting or strength OPD 4 intellect or strength 6 intellect (and lose a tatic card and of course start a combo off with 4 fighting AA
starjammers 19 they have 5 for a total of  35 )(11 any OPD  8 any 4 strength 4 energy 2 intellect that becomes 8 intellect (permanent record be dammed)
        hawkeye 17 he has 2 from reserve (6 energy 2 f that becomes 8 strength) could  place the third (GJ) (for a total 18)
76 deck building points
120 damage (112 venture)
use a defensive battlesite and throw a party


for me, it's pretty much the those things

that cap team seems pretty competitive to me, btw!


I haven't really tackled a homebase since I really started to learn about the game, but I've been dying to go back and try.  I'd probably start with Stark Enterprise or Wundagore.

I think you might be right about the Cap team!  I decided Sabretooth is a better option over Wonder Woman; he has better specials, and it frees up a point in the team build which allows me more options for a reserve.  I could now use Silver Sable, if I choose to.

It's going to require some playtesting, though.  I'm having a hard time deciding who to run in reserve; it depends on what I want the deck to do and what event I decide to run.

My 4 main options right now are: Hawkeye, Spider-Woman, Callisto, Morph, or Silver Sable.

With Morph, I could use The Crossing and get cute with his HP.  With this option, I could consider not running any AD's from my frontlines and run the teammate meta event.

With Spider-Woman, I have access to her AD and FW (if I choose to).  However, I'm using her in my other deck, and I don't have an extra 3 of her AD.  I like to try and mix things up, as well.  My event choices are less restricted.

With Hawkeye, I can combine his OR with The Age of Apocalypse event.  I also have access to more varied specials, which the deck could use.  Grid is not bad.

Callisto is a little different.  I could fetch any activators I need; tutoring is never a bad thing.  This is my choice right now, but again, we'll see what happens.  Again, my choice of events with this option are to my liking.


good to see sabertooth get some front line love also helps cap and sabertooth keep 8f as long as she is active


Man I love using some little seen characters...

I used to use a Psycho Man deck based around his Hate special (no cards with the word teammate)  I would build the deck teamwork card free and include all anti teamwork events.

I would play him with Invisible Woman Malice and Adam Warlock for their chain attack specials with Dr.Strange in reserve.  It wasn't super competitive but it was fun when it worked.

Another one was with Deathlok based around Cybercorpse (level 3 with follow up that can't be blocked with specials)  team him up with White Queen and New Warriors and watch the JW's fly.   
"Wade! into action!"