Batman the Animated Series Characters

Started by Palatinus, March 29, 2011, 02:33:12 PM

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Quote from: Palatinus on April 08, 2011, 01:15:08 PM
I really love that show.

Yea back in the day I would record each episode and watch it over and over.

It's why I recall which episodes give specific examples of different 'abilites'... 200 years later!  :D

I could probably find some of those old VHS :o tapes if I looked through some old boxes.  O course these days I'm sure they're on dvd somewhere.  8)
ncannelora -"I don't care if you're Captain - freakin' - America, you ALWAYS avoid a Standoff with Wolverine!!!"

a_noble_kaz - "If Mr Fantastic had an AO, he would be the god of Overpower."


I re-watch the show all the time and the Nostalgia Critic and the Nostalgia Chick just did reviews of it which took me back to the good old days of Marvel animation.

The Dude

QuoteAlso I am particularly at a loss for Energy.  What makes an energy stat?  I feel like the other three I understand, but why does Bane have 1 energy and Catwoman has 3?  What does that mean exactly?

There are exceptions, as there always is in Overpower, but to me it seems the Energy scale is as follows:

1-A normal unarmed human

2-Enhanced sensory perception (Wolverine, Daredevil, Sabretooth, Beast) or a character who uses a simple projectile weapon (Captain America, most superstrong characters who throw heavy things etc).

3-A character who uses guns and other conventional weapons regularly (Punisher, Deadpool) or has a mix of both portions of level 2 (Spiderman with Spidersense and web-shooters; Taskmaster with both photographic memory and a replica shield like Cap's).

4-The hardest number to define. It seems to be hereos who have energy as a seconday power (Blob technically has an ability to contol his mass, he can also stick to the ground he's standing on). Shapeshifters without projection attacks also to seem to fall around this number too (Mr. Sinister and Alpha Flight both have 4's; although Dracula only has a 3 perhaps because he only turns into a bat). There are a few more gun types in this stat also like Silver Sable and Deathlock although how Sable uses more guns than Puisher is beyond me.

5 - Laser-based energy weapons that do no exist in the real world. Usually these heroes are generating energy attacks by artificial means (Iron Man, Dr. Doom, Hydra, Shiar) instead of super-powers. We also have the second level of shapeshifters at this number, those who also have projection attacks in addition to their shape-shifting (Apocalypse, Mystique with her guns, Venom and Carnage with their webbing or spikes, etc)

6-Characters with either defensive energy powers (Flash's speed, Nightcrawler's teleporting, Shadowcat's phasing, Invisible Woman & Reyes' force fields) or energy projection attacks of an obviously lesser nature (Jubillee, Gambit) when compared to the next level.

7 - Characters who can make massive offensive energy attacks. Cyclops, Havok, Storm, Torch- destroying a building or even city block is not out of the question for these heroes. Also most lesser telepath and magic users are here (White Queen, Jean Grey, Baron Mordo)

8- Characters who can manipulate energy (and sometimes matter too)on a global or even cosmic scale. (Pro X, Magneto, Dark Pheonix, Onslaught)


Quite interesting. I also was a bit confused by how Overpower defined energy. In my mind I restricted it to the definitions you used in 5 and up, and basically scaled it up and down based on how powerful those abilities were. I lumped your descriptions for 4 and down into fighting skill. For instance, I figured for a guy like Two-face to have six fighting, it must come mostly from weaponry, but I suppose it more likely comes from henchmen?

At any rate, your descriptions for energy seem pretty good. I'm pretty sure they tweaked the numbers for gameplay reasons which is why some don't scale perfectly.


Quote from: The Dude on April 10, 2011, 04:02:55 PM
QuoteAlso I am particularly at a loss for Energy.  What makes an energy stat?  I feel like the other three I understand, but why does Bane have 1 energy and Catwoman has 3?  What does that mean exactly?

There are exceptions, as there always is in Overpower, but to me it seems the Energy scale is as follows:

1-A normal unarmed human

2-Enhanced sensory perception (Wolverine, Daredevil, Sabretooth, Beast) or a character who uses a simple projectile weapon (Captain America, most superstrong characters who throw heavy things etc).

3-A character who uses guns and other conventional weapons regularly (Punisher, Deadpool) or has a mix of both portions of level 2 (Spiderman with Spidersense and web-shooters; Taskmaster with both photographic memory and a replica shield like Cap's).

4-The hardest number to define. It seems to be hereos who have energy as a seconday power (Blob technically has an ability to contol his mass, he can also stick to the ground he's standing on). Shapeshifters without projection attacks also to seem to fall around this number too (Mr. Sinister and Alpha Flight both have 4's; although Dracula only has a 3 perhaps because he only turns into a bat). There are a few more gun types in this stat also like Silver Sable and Deathlock although how Sable uses more guns than Puisher is beyond me.

5 - Laser-based energy weapons that do no exist in the real world. Usually these heroes are generating energy attacks by artificial means (Iron Man, Dr. Doom, Hydra, Shiar) instead of super-powers. We also have the second level of shapeshifters at this number, those who also have projection attacks in addition to their shape-shifting (Apocalypse, Mystique with her guns, Venom and Carnage with their webbing or spikes, etc)

6-Characters with either defensive energy powers (Flash's speed, Nightcrawler's teleporting, Shadowcat's phasing, Invisible Woman & Reyes' force fields) or energy projection attacks of an obviously lesser nature (Jubillee, Gambit) when compared to the next level.

7 - Characters who can make massive offensive energy attacks. Cyclops, Havok, Storm, Torch- destroying a building or even city block is not out of the question for these heroes. Also most lesser telepath and magic users are here (White Queen, Jean Grey, Baron Mordo)

8- Characters who can manipulate energy (and sometimes matter too)on a global or even cosmic scale. (Pro X, Magneto, Dark Pheonix, Onslaught)

This really great and really helpful.  Thanks!

Also if you had a similar scale worked out of the other power types I would love to hear it.


I always thought this was kind of cool, and it's somewhat similar to the stats that Overpower ended up with:


Cool. Do you happen to know what year this is from?


Quote from: JohnL on April 11, 2011, 01:50:01 AM
Cool. Do you happen to know what year this is from?

1981, in Amazing Spider-Man Annual # 15.

The second series of the Marvel Universe trading cards was another cool source for statistic debates:

Uhm, Thanos sure is heavy...


Those are some really great posts, Onslaught.  I guess I hadn't thought to look into all those guides they are always putting out.  I love how campy the ones you posted are.  It's lines like those that always have me laughing at the older comics.  That and the letters section.  Some of that stuff is golden.