How did you find this site?

Started by Palatinus, July 06, 2011, 08:27:20 AM

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AO user

From use tools and specials wiki and I tried this tab maybe by accident.  Good times!


I think I found this through Facebook, which may have linked me to another page which linked me here...


I was looking to play online I'm a OP wizard.


Hey all.  So I found out about this site through the Board Game Geek website.  My family have always been board game players, over the past couple of years now that my son is older those board games have become more advanced and have also started to include games like Marvel Legendary.  Once we all got hooked on that game it seemed natural to break out my collection of DC/JLA Overpower cards and introduce him to those.  We played a few times together and I even made up our own play mat.  This all brings me to the main reason I came here.  I had posted on the BGG site looking to see if anyone was interested in trading and was pointed in this direction.  I just posted in the trade/sale section of the forum here and thought I'd also post here to say an official hello!  Thanks for having me, and thanks for being here!!


Hello everyone, I'm Alex. I used to play Overpower back in the day with my brothers and our friends. It was all we did for years and was so much fun. After the series ended and the popularity died, I ended up selling my cards. However, being the creative people we were, my brothers and I started making up cards of our to play with. Probably not surprising. We started with some character cards for those who didn't have one, and others we thought should have one. I also started making up Transformers Overpower cards. I got very extensive with how much I made, making grids for a ton of regular bots, and specials to go along with their abilities. It was fun. While no one I know plays anymore, I was googling for images to make some cards for nostalgia purposes, and found this site. So, hello, and say hi anytime. Thanks!