Anyone interested?

Started by Jack, April 12, 2011, 06:48:25 PM

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Not GD2 in particular, but regular old GD. I've actually recently done something similar to what you describe, in amending variable text to an image. If you've done it before, adding more fonts isn't a problem at all. Compared to the whole OPO conversion, a card generator would be a vacation :)


Anything would be easier than OPO at this point. :P

If you're interesting in doing this, I have a font pack that I can provide. The border images should be up by the end of today assuming I don't get booted for uploading > 1GB at school.



Cool, I'll grab all the borders later and throw something together probably tonight. I actually have some other ideas with it, so it should be fun.


Got em, and got something started. I'll probably have something to show tomorrow night.

I didn't examine all the borders, but when testing with the classic border, it seems like the top is very slightly cut off, a few pixels only but noticeable when you overlay it to another card.


Yeah, I forgot to account for the space where the lamp actually does the scanning and thus missing the tops of a few cards. I also used the (horrible) ratio of 5:7 to crop out the cards instead of the newer ratio of.. ~(62.75 to 63.25):88.25.

I'll scan them again once I bring the cards to a higher quality scanner.


Rough version. There's a lot to account for as far as font placing that I'll have to figure out. On the short list is getting a bounding box for the description (using imagefttext() at the moment).

The image resizing can be a bit weird as well.

It's a start though.


That looks awesome! Found a small bug (stripslashes).


Quote from: metaphist on April 14, 2011, 11:51:12 PM

Rough version. There's a lot to account for as far as font placing that I'll have to figure out. On the short list is getting a bounding box for the description (using imagefttext() at the moment).

The image resizing can be a bit weird as well.

It's a start though.
I wish I knew how to do cool stuff like this!  :o  I'll settle for knowing cool people who can do cool stuff like this, though  8)
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


Quote from: Jack on April 15, 2011, 12:10:53 AM
That looks awesome! Found a small bug (stripslashes).

Fixed, which was weird since I don't know which function was automatically escaping for me (wasn't me).

BTW, any chance I could get you to crop out some power icons for me?  ;D
