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AV vs AL

Started by mattkoz, September 09, 2011, 10:38:05 PM

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If someone plays a AV (Target hero may not attack) can that character play an AL (remove 1 hit from perm record) during that battle? I don't really see AL's as attacks, but they are made on the offensive turn.

Just another question that came up this evening during another battle between the wife and me.



Attacks are things that are sent across the table, so AL does not count as an attack.

There's a distinction between offensive and attack; offensive means that it can only be made on your turn and not in retaliation to an opponent's offensive action. Attacks are something that targets the opponent's characters, battlesite, homebase, hand, draw/dead piles or power packs or the like.


great! thanks for the clarification

The Dude

I'd add too that I think that's why Polaris got the enhanced wording with a different special code for her OPD, which clearly does stop healing and drawing in addition to attacking.


Quote from: The Dude on September 10, 2011, 02:47:54 PM
I'd add too that I think that's why Polaris got the enhanced wording with a different special code for her OPD, which clearly does stop healing and drawing in addition to attacking.

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