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KN specials

Started by Demacus, November 03, 2011, 06:10:58 AM

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Just want to make sure I'm reading this/processing this correctly.

Absorbing Man's Molecular Mimic states "Play with a Basic Universe card. Absorbing Man's Grid gets bonus for remainder of game."

According to what I read, he doesn't actually get a bonus, but hit grid will increase by +1-3 depending on the universe card used?  Example, His grid is 5-5-7-1. I play his KN with an EMP universe card, 8E,+3E. His stats are now 8-5-7-1?

Or does each energy card played by him get the +3 bonus, but he cannot play energy cards above rank 5?


His grid is boosted so his stats would be 8-5-7-1.

The card, obviously, doesn't have to be usable by Absorbing Man (otherwise you'd only boost S).

Thought: What happens when you use the 6A+2 BU? Unfortunately, it would probably only give +2 to a single stat and never change. It would be neat to have it be variable so it changes to the situation, so he could be 7-5-7-1 or 5-7-7-1 whenever Absorbing Man wants.


That WOULD be awesome, but I think your are right in the first instance, that it would lock onto the stat originally chosen.


such a stupid card, imo

the permanent +3 to attacks/defense would be so much more interesting. (perhaps too overpowering in power pack, but at least crusher would see some use then...)


Thing is, if you actually gave each attack the written bonuses, what's to stop him from stacking multiple BU's with each KN?  6S +3, 7S +3, 8S +3...  a level 1 S/Multi attack would require a 10 to block.  If he actually threw a 7S, that would need 16 to block, which is nigh-impossible.  Sure there are "Avoid 1 attack" s, ect, but you shouldn't have to live in fear that you can only block 1 attack each hand IF you are lucky enough to pull a defensive special.


that is a very formidable attack, but it takes 7 cards and 4 turns to get off!

it'd have to be tested, but as i said, absorbing man needs all the help he can get ;)


or, just make it so it didn't stack...

I agree it'd be better if it was simply a +3 for remainder of game, provided he could only do it with Strength U. otherwise, he'd be poking you off-suit with a 10+ E, F, or Int powe card attack. o.O
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


I was just looking for clarity.  I think they way it works is just fine...  He's capable of setting himself up to be a great back-up grid, incase your heavy hitter goes down.  And let's face it...  who's going to go after Absorbing Man first?  You KO his 7 or 8F partner, then all the sudden he Molecular Mimic's his way into an 8F grid to pick up what would be lost power cards, your still in buisness.  Maybe he doesn't have the best specials, but he's hardly a joke either.  Nightwing anyone?  And for 18 points who can fit into ANY deck, that's pretty solid.  Even an Int deck...  Course that would require 1 more card to make him viable, but you could get him to 8 with a Book of Darkhold, followed by a 6I +1 BU.  I'm not saying he's going to become my must have character, but I am starting to see potential, and that's all I hope to find for any character.  I don't look at DC and think, "Man, these characters suck!"  I look at them and think, "Man, they got screwed so badly by R&D."



but part of his power is energy related
but it would be weird upping his intellect

put him on a team with forge and see what happens
put him with hawkman too

remember that each bonus needs that special to be played with it