what do you guys think of this as a one-per-deck

Started by The Dude, August 02, 2010, 03:32:03 AM

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@Onslaught, LOL!!

I am thinking about a new homebase called "The Dude's Jersey Shore" that can use any tournament legal team. The IA would be:

"The Dude's Jersey Shore (dont worry, he called it that before there was a show on MTV that showed how stupid people can be that from that region... literally) may search their deck at any-time during the game for any-hero cards and play them immediately. May use this ability more than once per turn, or during your opponents turn. [Homebase's] opponents may not be able to place any special cards for the remainder of the game, and must discard any card that reads "Avoid" on it, immediately after the draw phase. [Homebase] may play as many duplicate OPD specials as they chose."

I am thinking this might be too good of a card to make a real card out of it.... but maybe not. The aspect would read "The Dude's Jersey Shore team may KO any one of their opponents characters immediately. Add 20 venture total to [Homebase's] venture total for this battle."

Do you think the aspect should be an OPD?

The Dude


With the first card. I think its probably too powerful in that the makers OP generally resisted any sort of instant KO for a long time. And even when X-Babies became out of hand, the two cards they created with such an effect were both far more limited than what you propose. The first was the Image 6 Any that then requires second hit of level 2 powercard--a very difficult combo to pull off. Then in the X-men sets we had the 5 that can kill a hero at 15 points. In both cases the initial attack is far lower than the 8 you propose, while the secondary is still not an automatic KO. In general level 8 Special cards don't have secondary effects after they hit as well : you have the multi 8s from the first set and the wolverine/hulk 8 that has an attack bonus but no seconday effect on the hero it hits, the any-power 8 non-opds, a the level 8 cc for Shiar which also has no secondary effect on the hero it hits. The only 8 I can think of with a secondary effect is Juggernauts and that one is main skill and the effect is limited to a single discard.

That said if you really want to go forward with the card. I think at the very least the second effect should have the same limitation as the KO Event cards i.e. it does not take affect if it would automatically end the game.

The second card however I like. While I tend to not want to see cards that encourage hit-stacking this will not allow for unlimited hit stacking like say X-Babies or even potentially unlimited cumulative KO or the Angels Marvels Special would if paired with Vertigo. Actually it seems like it could be a perfect card for Juggernaut or Dracula, who in the source material are notoriously hard to kill and don't really have any existing specials that reflect that.

Karmanal of Zert

Yeah there's no question it's a very powerful card, but you didn't really take into account the fact that it also kills one of (character)'s teammates as well! So it's an instant KO on both sides. The thing we still haven't really decided is whether or not it's too powerful for the user to pick which of his teammates gets KO'd, a feature easily abused by putting someone crappy on your team with no Specials who you wouldn't mind getting rid of (though even then that's a chancy strategy since you'd be betting on getting that OPD early or being stuck with the crap character). It wouldn't really make much sense as far as what the card is meant to represent (see my explanation of the plot surrounding the Thought Bomb on the previous page...it was a trick trap in which Darth Bane wiped out his opponents and allies, so on that count it makes more sense for the user to pick which of his teammates gets KO'd), but if it winds up being too abuse-able it's going to have to get changed regardless.

Glad to see everyone likes the Orbalisk Armor idea! I'm curious what the ever-skeptical Onslaught thinks about it... (though after reading his explanation I agree with him on the Any-Character version Gift of the Gods)