Marvel Legendary

Started by binarymelon, December 04, 2012, 10:44:59 AM

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Bet it's awesome.  Sleeving rules.
"wow...never notice how JACKED pym is in that pic before!" -breadmaster


I picked this us about two weeks back...  Since then my friends and I have played about 2-3 games together, and I have played about 2-3 solo games.  This game is a lot of fun, and for just $60, (compared to I don't even know how many hundreds I've sunk into OP/VS/M:TG) it is a pretty solid card game.  I find it's much easier to win the games if you are playing alone then with allies, but it is supposed to be for 2-5 players, the single player rules are just a varient in the back of the rule book.

Each of the 5 player games we have played have ended dramatically close to the heroes losing, with one ending in what equates to a draw, as the heroes did not beat the villain, but the villains evil plot did not come to fruition either.

Since the selection of characters that go into each game is supposed to be chosen by random selection, the following might not be helpful, but I have found that certain heroes are clearly stronger then others.  Wolverine, Deadpool, Storm, and Black Widow are among some of the stronger and more useful characters of the 15 that come with the game.  Captain America, Hawkeye, Emma Frost and Nick Fury are pretty well rounded, but some of the other characters are a tad on the weaker side, as they mostly bring tricks and gimmicks to the game that in a normal card game would be considered almost broken, they tend to drag things down if you have a team of them without at least one of the aforementioned heroes on this list.  Iron Man is almost dissapointing, as of the 4 types of cards he brings to the table, only 1 is an actual attack card.  The other three are tricks...  Good tricks for a card game, but tricks none-the-less, and without another good character in your deck, these tricks amount to a lot of nothing.

All said and done, I am quite enjoying this game.  I cannot say that I regret purchasing this, and I am waiting with baited breath for the "Dark City" expansion due out in June/July.  All I know about that expac is that they are planning on bringing Jean Grey in as one of the new heroes and Apocalypse as one of the new villains. 



My wife and I picked this up with some extra Amazon GC, and I gotta say...we LOVE it!  She's been able to grasp the rules more easily than Overpower, as there isn't a ton to remember, but there's just as much strategy involved in how you recruit, who you attack, etc.  We've played over a dozen games, and she's usually the one asking me to play, which never used to happen!

Looking forward to the next set....if you've got a spare $50-60, and a few friends to play with, go for it!  I've played a few solo games, and while its fun, its way better with more people!


Definitely more fun with more people...  Solo games are fun, but they are also a lot easier to maintain control of the entire board as you play, where as in a 5 player game, villains tend to escape more easily, as folks worth their ways around the board, trying to recruit heroes for their first couple of turns.  Really well done game.  Happy with Upper Deck's use of the license, (though I'd really love to see OP return as well.)


Is it complicated?  Hard to catch on?  Easy to teach?
"wow...never notice how JACKED pym is in that pic before!" -breadmaster


I can't view them from my comp, brother steve.  I'll check them out asap though!
"wow...never notice how JACKED pym is in that pic before!" -breadmaster


I thought it was fairly easy to learn.  I did a quick read of the rules, and got a group of 5 together and we just started playing.  After about 2-3 rounds, a 6th came in and I gave him my seat/hand, and I picked up the rules, and coached everyone on their turns until it became crystal clear as to what we could or could not do, how to gain an advantage over the villain, etc, etc.  After the game ended, and we all decided to keep Legendary as a potential for our gatherings each week, I headed home.  The next day I was off from work, so I re-read the rules a little more closely and set up a solo player game, just to get a better feel.  Turns out we did about 99% of everything correctly right out of the box, so yeah, I'd say it's got a pretty easy learning curve.

And since I was learning how to play AND teaching it at the same time...  lol  Yeah, that's still kind of easy.  Best $60 I've ever spent on card games.  lol


Has anyone tried out the DC deck building game by Cryptozoic?  I got it in January and my wife and I have played it many times since I bought it.  It's very easy to learn and a lot of fun.  My wife likes it more than overpower because she always beats oh, and it was only $30 :D


Why is this in the comic book section?


I would imagine because it's Marvel related, but isn't OverPower related.  I guess it might have fit better in a different section.
"wow...never notice how JACKED pym is in that pic before!" -breadmaster


I picked this up earlier in the week; both the base set and the Dark City expansion and I have to say that I am impressed. One of the best deck building games I've ever played, Overpower included. It's fun to play with friends and its really cool to play as a solo game.

I'm using the advanced solo rules and am struggling to defeat Apocalypse. Lets just say that Apoc is nothing like his Overpower counterpart; the man is an absolute beast. His tactic that forces you to reinsert his card back into the Mastermind deck if its not the last card is lethal; I thought I had him on the ropes twice only to have to fight him again and again, which resulted in my loss.

I just setup a solo game against Kingpin with the 'Organized Crime Wave' scheme. I'll see if Nightcrawler, Daredevil and Hulk have what it takes to win. I'd strongly recommend this game to Overpower fans; it's very easy to learn (I watched a couple YouTube videos before the game arrived in the mail and a quick read through the instruction book and I was ready to rock and roll) and is fun to play in groups or solo. In fact, the solo aspect really pushed the game over the top for me. I don't have an OP group anymore as my buddies sold their cards long ago, so when it's not game night I don't have to worry about not being able to play if no one is around (or the wife isn't interested). I also love that the game is well received and is due to release two small expansions of about 100 cards and one large expansion of about 350 cards each year. Fantastic Four is up next in November and I can't wait.

EDIT: The 'Organized Crime Wave' on advanced solo is ridiculously hard. I appreciated the challenge, but I was getting destroyed pretty early and often until I got lucky with some draws and switched up my team to Daredevil, Elektra and Nightcrawler. I still haven't been able to take down Apocalypse, he is very tough. Perhaps I can score a win on the big blue badass this weekend.

Additional impressions: The game is easy to play. It may appear to be daunting at first, but I'm posting this on an OverPower forum, so if you guys have a handle on all the ridiculous meta rules and whatnot for our beloved OP, this game will be EASY to get into. The artwork for the base game is great but repetitive, so it's nice to see that the expansion adds multiple pieces of artwork for the new characters, which really adds to the game. The advanced solo rules also amps up the challenge; I'm losing maybe one out of every three games, usually I'll play three and win one, tie one and lose one, so the variety of each scenario combined with the masterminds and the 32 heroes (31 different characters as Wolverine is in both sets with different cards and teams; X-Men in the base set and X-Force in Dark City) makes for a different game each time you play. Factor in the ability to play a challenging solo game or as a group of up to five players and you have a winner. For me, it's the only card based or deckbuilding game outside of OverPower that has me hooked (I could never get into Vs), so I strongly recommend trying it out.


Quote from: TGW on June 30, 2013, 02:16:46 PM
I'm using the advanced solo rules and am struggling to defeat Apocalypse. Lets just say that Apoc is nothing like his Overpower counterpart; the man is an absolute beast. His tactic that forces you to reinsert his card back into the Mastermind deck if its not the last card is lethal; I thought I had him on the ropes twice only to have to fight him again and again, which resulted in my loss.

I haven't tried to solo Apoc yet, but PREACH BROTHER!

lol  My brother and I were trying to take him down the other day and 2 games running we failed.  In the first game, which I believe was the Organized Crime Wave (drawn randomly... and a HORRIBLE combination with Apoc I might add) we were destroyed far too easily.  In the second game, (forget which scenario, but it wasn't that one, lol) we fought him to a stalemate, with me actually scoring 3 solid hits on Apoc, but again, that blasted tactic completely screwed us, as it essentially nullified one of the hits.  I was actually able to muster up a 24 point attack in a single turn and nailed him twice, but the second hit was that resetting tactic...  We did screw up a teeny bit though, as we only pulled 4 heroes randomly from the box instead of 5.  We were running Wolverine (Original set), Nick Fury, Emma Frost and Iron Fist.  My brother got totally screwed though, as with Nick Fury's rare, we finally had KO'd enough Shield agents to allow Nick to KO anyone with his rare card and Apoc KO'd the Nick Fury rare right off the top of my brother's draw pile.  Built it up for NOTHING!  He was not happy, and about 4 turns later the villain deck ran out with Apoc still grinning at us. 

Still, I LOVE this game and I can't wait for November!


My buddy got this game and my wife and I played with him 5-6 times now.  We did do the Apoc campaign and lost as well.  I like how complex the game can get but I don't like how long games take to set up and play.  In terms of terms of set up and ease of play, I like the DC deck building game better.  I wish there was an expansion set for that game :D


I've played both Legendary and DCDB (horrible name, do they have no imagination at all?) and they both have their strengths. Legendary is definitely the better game, with a clearer theme and overall more enjoyable gameplay. However, as someone else mentioned, it's a longer game. It takes time to set up and it takes time to play. DC on the other hand has no cohesive theme and is pretty much a generic deck builder, but it's quick to set up and quick to play.

While I enjoy Legendary more, I find myself playing DC more often as it's easy to slam through a few quick games in forty minutes.

I've heard the Dark City expansion really adds a lot to Legendary, but I haven't picked it up yet.