Anyone have a scanner? (Jack, you there? lol)

Started by Onslaught, November 30, 2010, 01:58:40 AM

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If anyone has a scanner I would really appreciate some good quality scans of a few hero cards. I'm looking for Onslaught (promo version), Spawn, Neron, and White Queen. The higher the DPI the better, but at least 300 DPI would be great.

Big thanks to anyone who can help out!


are the images on Jack's new character finder ( not high res enough? i mean I have all of those cards but my brother's scanner isn't that good.


^^ Probably not. I'll see what I can do over the holiday season since I'm not with my cards right now.


Dang, not to be pushy but I need them ASAP for a Christmas card image. Any chance anyone else could scan them?