Infinite Exorcism

Started by Tussin, November 13, 2013, 02:15:15 AM

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ok thinking of a way to maximize the triggering of the effects with synergy to pull off unorthodox tactics...
sacrifice Carnage/Scarlet Witch to trigger a net gain of 12 venture everytime they die.

i want to make death certain and also a running mechanic to be abused in this deck. ideally string a big slug fest while locking down opponents hands if i get a lucky draw, even if he takes someone down it will backfire and venture will be mine. tried to utilize as much possible for reviving characters and drawing attacks to where i want them to go to force who i want to embrace death.

this card is perfect to use with the infinity gauntlet to ensure if i need to that character dies before its discarded. a better tool to trigger what i want to do.

use Cannon Fodder on Landslide or Havok for protection, and give them incentive to attack Carnage/Scarlet Witch

looking for any additional tips or tweaks. thank you

Homebase: Marvel Universe ~ Opponent's Team is -1 to Venture Total per Battle. ~

Carnage                 5-7-4-2 (18) ~ Team +5 to Venture Total when KO'd. ~
Landslide                6-4-6-2 (18) ~ Opponent is -3 to Venture Total when Landslide's teammate is KO'd. ~
Havok: Mutant X     7-3-4-5 (19) ~ Team +3 to Venture Total when a teammate is KO'd. ~
Scarlet Witch          7-3-2-5 (17) ~ Opponent's team -5 to Venture Total when KO'd. ~

Mission: Infinity Gauntlet

Battlesite: Onslaught's Citadel

Battlesite Specials: 14
Onslaught - Merciless Conquerer - (GE)
Onslaught - Cannon Fodder - (CT) [OPD]
Onslaught - Mutant Gestalt - (GD)
Holocaust - Otherworldly Evil - (AO)
Holocaust - Impervious Crystal - (AG)
Holocaust - Consume Lifeforce - (AL)
Dark Beast - Brilliant Deduction - (HB)
Dark Beast - Acrobatics (CD)
Post - Gather Info (GK)
Post - Lethal Tester (GH)
Sentinels - Robot Mentality (AR)
Sentinels - Overhaul (EA)
X-Man - Street Prophet (EE)
X-Man - Apocalyptic Survival (GJ)

Aspect Cards: 1
Any-Homebase - A-Next [OPD]

Specials: 16
Carnage - Anarchy (OPD)
Carnage - Alien Healing
Carnage - Combat Chaos
Carnage - Destructive Mind
Carnage - Destructive Mind
Carnage - Symbiotic Web (OPD)
Havok - Annihilate (OPD)
Havok - The Brotherhood (OPD)
Havok - Collateral Damage (OPD)
Havok - Mutant X
Havok - Mutant X
Scarlet Witch - Hex Power (OPD)
Scarlet Witch - Change Outcome
Scarlet Witch - Change Outcome
Landslide - Appetite for Destruction
Landslide - Appetite for Destruction

Power cards: 18
Energy: 5 6 7
Fighting: 3 3
Strength: 4 4 4
Intellect: 1 2
MultiPower (EFSI): 1 2
Any-Power: 5 5 6 6 7 7

Teamwork cards: 3
1 * Energy 6 or more to use, follow-ups in Fighting and Strength
1 * Energy 7 or more to use, follow-ups in Fighting and Strength
1 * Energy 7 or more to use, follow-ups in Strength and Intellect

Artifact cards: 1
* The Infinity Gauntlet 6E 5E (Teammate may discard 5 cards from top of Draw Pile to Dead Pile after  Draw Phase, before Events are played, each battle to resurrect any 1 K.O.'d teammate for that battle. Discard teammate at end of battle.)

Event cards: 3
Mad God Raises Dead! (Resurrect 1 KO'd Hero. If 3 Heroes are still in play, resurrected Hero is placed in Reserve.)
Silver Tongued Devil (No Fighting Power cards may be played this battle. Affected Power cards are not discarded.)
Witness To The Horrors! (Each player may not concede until they have taken 1 Turn.)

Total cards: 56


I've seen a similar style deck before, but it focused on Onslaught being the one you kept alive, with Scarlet Witch and New Warriors dying for venture and card draws.  Onslaught's Citadel might make for a nice battlesite, as you can then drop Cannon Fodder on a character that you don't want to die, forcing attacks to the ones you do want to kill/resurrect.  Most likely, the character with the IG.  Also, the Citadel brings Holocaust with a back-up negate which is playable by anyone, not to mention Beast's EB special.