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Started by adamsonofwilliam, November 18, 2014, 11:43:33 AM

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I've returned to the game after a long absence, introducing it to some high school kids I teach.

We've been playing, as I always had, without the Mission venturing aspect of the game and thus, just battling the characters until on team is completely gone.  As such, we don't play with the standard pick, place, play "battles", but rather, continually pick and place as the game goes on.  Because of this, we've been playing the specials that mention "battle" for the entirety of the game.  Not a big deal usually, however...

In our last game I played Apocalypse's 'Instant Evolution' (CL) which states that he can "use a KO'd teammate's specials in the next battle".  As we play one continuous battle, I read that to mean when a teammate is KO'd, Apoc could use their specials.

Wondering if that sounds kosher to others or if I'm just trying to press my advantage in the game...


usually, a new battle starts when you draw another 8 cards because neither player could play anymore usuable cards.  Do you guys not draw 8 cards?


We do draw to 8, but we continually draw and replenish our hands to keep the game going.  Mainly due to time constraints as we play during the lunch hour.


hmmmm, it sounds totally different than overpower, more like yugioh or mtg. I think if this is the case, whatever ruling you guys can settle on should be the way that the card is played.  You've changed the game, i'm not saying that it's a bad thing, but most people here don't play that way so we shouldn't be ruling on you.


Hello Adam, Son of William, I think its GREAT that you are introducing overpower to the kids you teach.

I would just like to highly reccomend learning and playing by the real overpower rules, using battles, missions and venturing. Overpower is a cool game where you can play using your own rules, but the game REALLY shines when you are using the real rules. Teach the kids how venture with missions and it creates a poker like atmosphere where the kids will have a blast "bluffing" their opponents. Also, I dont think a real game takes too long, they should be able to get it in on their lunch break no problem.

Using your own rules is cool, but also can break part of the game and make it not nearly as fun as it could be. Using your rules if someone plays a "Avoid 1 attack, cannot be attacked for remainder of battle", that character could basically not be able to be attacked for the remainder of the game. Thats no fun.

The real rules of the game are not hard to learn, and you have a ton of people on this forum that will help clarify any questions you may have. I really think playing the way the game was intended would make your overpower expirience many many many times for enjoyable. 

Think about it. But either way, I am very happy with what you are doing with your students. Keep it up!


Thanks for all the comments and ideas.

I think we play the way we do because a) the time constraints and getting a completed game in on the hour, and b) as I read in the original rules when I started playing years ago, you could play with the missions or without the missions.  I took that to mean that without them it would be a standard-esq battle game where you just tried to decimate the other team.

It has been enjoyable to play that way, and the kids seem to get a kick out of it.  The cards that affect the 'battle' we've been interpreting as the whole battle, including the 'cannot attack' which is super frustrating, but has become part of of the game and encourages us to build teams teams that include characters with the 'negate a special' card.

We've been chatting about trying the mission system, but until we're able to devote a bit more time to it, we'll likely continue this way.


To my knowledge the rulebook never contained a way to play without missions. Being a part of the tournament scene when the game was alive, I've always only known and saw the one way to play the game. I think its clear with developers of the game having some cards effect the "battle" and some affecting the "game" that their intention was for missions to be included in all games. But i'm glad you have found a way to play with your students, as long as your having fun, then your doing a good job.

Still though, I think one-hour is plenty of time to get in a game with missions, possibly even two. Most tournament games have a time-limit, which I think is standardly 30 minutes. If time runs out when the game hasent been completed, whoever is ahead on missions is declared the winner.

However, if you are having fun without missions, keep up what you got going. This game is meant to be fun, so as long as you enjoy yourself, ide say you are playing the right way. Though, I might suggest maybe trying to incorporating the proper "battle" system into your game to solve your problem with that, even if your not using missions. So that way you draw your 8 cards and play out the battle. Then when that battle is over draw 8 more and play another battle. That way your not drawing to replace, and the game is seperated into a bunch of small battle's as the game was intended, instead of the entire game being one gigantic battle.

PS: I find it funny that even with your house rules, you mention that its almost a must to have a negate character included. Seems that element of the game is the same as with tournament rules. LOL


Quote from: drdeath25 on November 23, 2014, 05:31:59 PM
Most tournament games have a time-limit, which I think is standardly 30 minutes.

I think we're going to use 40+LH as a standard for all upcoming tournaments.



A few of the kids and I have started playing the 'proper' way with battles, missions and such.  I am getting my butt kicked!  Things are going smoothly and the kids seem to like it (as I'm getting my butt kicked).  As well, games are much quicker than I had anticipated (I'm losing much quicker).  All in all, I think we're finally in-line with the way the game 'should' be played.

Now I just need to find a winning strategy!


Venture 7 for the win. :)


@adamsonofwilliam.  And @adamskids

I await the day we possibly do battle on the tournament circuit. 



Ps. As for winning strategies.  Still looking myself.   ;-)

~ To play me, is an HONOUR.


Quote from: chuu on December 14, 2014, 10:51:59 PM
Venture 7 for the win. :)

Hmm... I will have to try that on them. 

Quote from: OP GOD on December 14, 2014, 11:52:30 PM
I await the day we possibly do battle on the tournament circuit. 

I would love to come out for one, but I have a feeling the nearest one would be a few hundred miles away... : (


Quote from: adamsonofwilliam on December 15, 2014, 04:07:12 PM
Quote from: chuu on December 14, 2014, 10:51:59 PM
Venture 7 for the win. :)

Hmm... I will have to try that on them. 
just remember thayt the opponent can in this case draw 5 more cards
but they still have to discard duplicates and unusables