max beyonder

Started by breadmaster, February 08, 2015, 06:11:06 PM

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with the beyonder discussion going on, I was thinking about the best way to max out his stats.  I came up with:

prof x
doc Samson (3)
black widow (3)
beyonder, 8/7/7/7 grid

this gets you 29 out of a possible 32 points.  it also has some decent specials, but lacks a negate

anyone else got some high end ideas?

AO user

None can be as high as that but
Shadow King
X babies
Beyonder 7587

But I got AO, HY, LO, AS and KK reset button


Strategy question: In a Beyonder deck like this that splits the stats, would you rather KO beyonder first, to remove the big threat. Or would you try and pick off the weaklings first, knowing they wouldn't most likely have very many useable power card options in their hand to defend themselves?


I actually brought a viable 'max Beyonder' to Peace Bridge 2013, Beyonder only had 8-6-7-0 though.

Beyonder, Magneto (3), Morbius (3), Morph (3) [R]

Negate, chains everywhere, it was a fun deck.

AO user

When I play with a beyonder deck, opponent usually goes after 8 to collapse his grid.  If prof x is in front to play his OPDs he would be my target.  So OPDs would be deciding factor since beyonder can't use 'em.  In Jack's deck Mag is target # 1


hulk magneto wolverine (3 stats) 67 of the 72 points
8s        8e            8f

AO user

Quote from: steve2275 on February 08, 2015, 08:22:40 PM
hulk magneto wolverine (3 stats) 67 of the 72 points
8s        8e            8f

That's 67 on a  62 team... That had my attention but it's too good to be true
*rank number is total of icons on heroes
A 12-Rank team must be no more than 58 Points
A 13-Rank team must be no more than 62 Points
A 14-Rank team must be no more than 67 Points
A 15-Rank team must be no more than 72 Points
A 16-Rank team must be no more than 76 Points
x-babies 5-5-4-1=15


Quote from: drdeath25 on February 08, 2015, 06:58:55 PM
Strategy question: In a Beyonder deck like this that splits the stats, would you rather KO beyonder first, to remove the big threat. Or would you try and pick off the weaklings first, knowing they wouldn't most likely have very many useable power card options in their hand to defend themselves?

Good question. 

My approach depends on the focus of my opponent's deck.  When the Beyonder deck is focused on chains, I try to take out Beyonder early so to disrupt that strategy.  When the Beyonder deck plays more like a traditional deck, I often try to limit Beyonder's stats by going after the 7- and 8-stat characters.  That being said, I rarely turn down the opportunity to kill Beyonder if given the chance (e.g., if I have my own chain). 

Do other people have general strategies or examples of specific games where the choice they made paid off?


yeah, the MHC strategy is pretty sound

I don't really build beyonder chain decks, so I can't speak to that, but the traditional build is one I've used.  usually you WANT the opponent attacking beyonder, since he can play all defensive specials and power cards.  last tournament, people who picked off beast the brute first saw success against me.  it takes out a bunch of power cards and teamworks.  also, if you get him early, you also get the 2 opds.

that shadow king/thing deck looks tasty.  have you ever tested it, AO?

AO user

Quote from: breadmaster on February 09, 2015, 05:24:00 PM
yeah, the MHC strategy is pretty sound

that shadow king/thing deck looks tasty.  have you ever tested it, AO?

Nope, never tried it or thought of it till this thread's challenge.  I don't like the lack of grid overlap or back up.  You did well with Jubi's- mrF-brute.  I was wondering how you built the power pack.


I don't remember the exact usage of the little cards, but I had 2 of every power card 5 and under, and 3 of each 6 and over.  split what beast and fantastic could use


i may have gone with all 8 intellect cards though; memory is foggy


yeah i got my grid totals wrong
i once had 4 stat
jubilee thing x-babies
AG fun

course theres the max 6 beyonder 6 3 6
invisible woman jubilee spider-woman (3 stat)
AD AG protection
AB AB AA special s ko (E F S) with 1 additional attack for each
FE by beyonder than AQ AQ (via jubilee and spider-woman)
FE by beyonder than AV AV (via...........................................)

AO user

Quote from: breadmaster on February 10, 2015, 12:43:35 AM
I don't remember the exact usage of the little cards, but I had 2 of every power card 5 and under, and 3 of each 6 and over.  split what beast and fantastic could use


i may have gone with all 8 intellect cards though; memory is foggy

I've seen others throw in 8A for their 2 skill 8 decks (hulk-prof x). But why with one 8 on team?  Is it a leech "avoid?"  A ranked player uses one for Lex Luthor's ER special so he CAN have two 8 power cards in hand or at least per battle.  This kinda creative zing escapes my brain.



there are also the 2 events.  ___ power cards may not be used, and cards with ____ icons may not be used to attack.

though the 2nd one doesn't apply to intellect icons

AO user

I wanna play test the following @ feb meet up (if one is scheduled):
Original beast, Angel (16) with shadow King reserve.
Beyonder would start 7767. Teamwork palooza!