EN - Fortress of Solitude

Started by chuu, April 26, 2015, 10:17:33 PM

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Hi Guys,

I have a questions that's a bit of a gray area for me right now.  If I play fortress to concede my turn and my opponent negates it, have I still conceded or we keep playing and i'd have to wait until my next turn to concede the normal way again.


yes, this is why i'm asking, i'm not sure what happened in the video..cuz it was negated but the round still ended....


I'm not sure which video you are referring to, but it was probably just a mistake on the part of the players. The wiki says "This Special may not be avoided but it can be negated. If negated, then attempting to play Fortress still constitutes that player's entire turn." So the battle should have continued.


I'll try to find the video, I think it was one of the new ones but I did go on a video binge when they came out and I might be confused with an older video.  I don't think the misplay was intentional though...


Quote from: chuu on April 26, 2015, 10:17:33 PM
If I play fortress to concede my turn and my opponent negates it, have I still conceded or we keep playing and i'd have to wait until my next turn to concede the normal way again.
Playing a negate cancels out the card completely.

The EN tells you to 'Play to concede battle.', which when negated, never happens. You continue like you would like any negated card.

You're allowed to concede during the next legal opportunity to concede. What you're thinking of is probably the BL special.


Quote from: chuu on April 26, 2015, 10:17:33 PM
Hi Guys,

I have a questions that's a bit of a gray area for me right now.  If I play fortress to concede my turn and my opponent negates it, have I still conceded or we keep playing and i'd have to wait until my next turn to concede the normal way again.

Quote from: chuu on April 26, 2015, 10:40:49 PM
yes, this is why i'm asking, i'm not sure what happened in the video..cuz it was negated but the round still ended....

Are you referring to minute 21 in the finals video?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy5Eq4wIMbE   
At that point in time, Garion concedes using Fortress of Solitude.  Marcel negates it, which ends Garion's turn.  The round ends right after that because neither player has any cards to play (Garion's last card was Fortess and Marcel's last card was the negate).


Thanks for clearing that up MHC, should have paid better attention