OP3: Red Tornado

Started by OP3, January 15, 2016, 04:00:04 AM

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Superb!  Another brand new addition to unofficial OP cards.
I was not too thrilled by the recent treatment given him by the Supergirl TV show.


Quote from: justa on January 15, 2016, 11:12:11 AM
I was not too thrilled by the recent treatment given him by the Supergirl TV show.

Me neither.  Costume and makeup were pretty awful, and the character himself was treated poorly.  Cool to see J'onn have a supporting role on the show, but I hate when they just throw away characters like that.  They did the same with Vartox, who had a lot of potential as a foil for Supergirl if they were true to his comic version.


I'm sure they'll have much more for J'onn as things go on.  (But Hank Henshaw was the Cyborg Superman.....)
But you're right, Red Tornado was a throw away - with Morrow dead, how do you bring him back?  Self-repair?  A waste of something that could have had great potential.