Monumental Unlimited

Started by Anyonecanbethebug, June 16, 2024, 01:52:54 PM

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Hey y'all,

Figured a good place to start is with our slowly forming (and accidentally happening) Monumental Unlimited set. I figured it would be cool to showcase "teams" that aren't a part of Marvel or DC (though who knows, I might have to do Morrison or Way's Doom Patrol iterations here since they don't get enough love). I've only got two rough drafts so far: the Space Riders (from Black Mask Studios eponymous series) and Freddy Fazbear's Pizza (courtesy of my wonderful girlfriend, Jeeny).

Space Riders

I also made a special sorta Ally card, like the ones Fenn has made.

And a full art variant of the Skullship


Here's Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. It's a little weird and there's a mechanic we borrowed from some other talented creators as well.

Freddy Fazbear's Pizza

Something else we did here was this card is "double-sided" and could just be run as a proper Homebase.

In any case, either the Character or Location variant can run this Aspect!

Hope you dig this "set" so far.


Also, I haven't been on a message board in years, so I'm sorry if these are too dang big!


Nice! I really like what you did with the grids on the character cards. I've dropped the words on some of mine too but that shading behind the icons keeps them from getting lost in the art.


Ditto what fenn said.  I'm not familiar with either character (so I'll have to do some reading to do).  But I like the idea of a Location that is also a character (a character version of Danny The Street is still on my backburner).
If I'm reading right (which I often don't), if using Freddy as a Homebase and with no Battlesite, "locations" equates to Freddy the Homebase, Freddy the character, and the Foxy Special.  Not over-"bearing", but a + none the less.  Cool idea.