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'EB' cards

Started by breadmaster, March 18, 2010, 12:44:56 AM

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Quote from: Nostalgic on March 28, 2011, 06:18:45 PM
Quote from: ncannelora on March 28, 2011, 12:27:19 PM
Quote from: Palatinus on March 28, 2011, 08:38:33 AM
Speaking of EB cards, does the hit used to remove the card count toward venture?

No, that's what keeps the shields useful. The hit does not count for Venture. The only shield-type card that can take a hit that will count for Venture is the Krakoa ASPECT card, but that card specifies that the hit will count toward Venture:

This is true.

What's weird is I was reading the OP online rules about buffer cards under the topic "How do I?" and it said, "Any hits on buffer cards will not appear in front of the selected character (in order to distinguish them from that character's Hits to Current Battle).  Rather, hits on buffer cards will appear above the Mission piles, so that they can be considered in the Venture totals."

I don't know why that was added, perhaps just for krakoa, but something to keep in mind when playing online.

hmm. I always just moved the hit to the actual Home Base... it says it lands on Krakoa, so I figured that it would land and just stay there...
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


Where the hit winds up could be pretty significant.  If it stays on Krakoa instead of going to the dead pile at the end of battle it would not be retrievable later.


I always figured that to be a bonus of THE LIVING ISLAND!  ;D
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


It makes sense to me too that the hit would stay on Krakoa.


Yeah like, "Oh, I'm sorry! Please forgive my plant, he swallows Level 8 Energy Power cards. I meant to warn you about that... Sorry."  :D
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


I'd like to think that if Overpower had continued and they came out with more aspect cards that Krakoa would have gotten a nice heavy attack of its own.  Maybe a 10 Anypower, probably with some drawback for your team when played.


Quote from: Palatinus on March 29, 2011, 02:17:04 PM
I'd like to think that if Overpower had continued and they came out with more aspect cards that Krakoa would have gotten a nice heavy attack of its own.  Maybe a 10 Anypower, probably with some drawback for your team when played.

Yeah, it would have been cool if all the homebases had been A) Completed (all characters) and B) each received an OPD and non-OPD aspect.

Stupid Marvel had to run the game into the ground. The least they could have done for us was give us some completion.



How exactly did Marvel run the game into the ground anyways?  Does anyone know the true catalyst that brought the game to it's premature conclusion?

Could it have been the fact that in order to play tournament style, each player should have had the specials guide at their side so that they knew how to play any given card, since you couldn't trust the text written on the card? 

Was it really because of the mis-sizing of the X-men set that forced players who wanted to utelize those cards to use deck protectors, even if they'd never used them in the past?

Was it because it was really hard to stay on top of cheating in tournament play?

These are all reasons that I've heard, but I didn't know if anyone out there had a definative reason for the downfall.


Quote from: Demacus on August 05, 2011, 10:49:14 AM
How exactly did Marvel run the game into the ground anyways?  Does anyone know the true catalyst that brought the game to it's premature conclusion?


These are all reasons that I've heard, but I didn't know if anyone out there had a definative reason for the downfall.

Where do you get this stuff? (Oh right the internet....).

A full answer is probably worthy of a longer post but the short version is that in late 1999 Marvel sold the exclusive right to market a CCG based on Marvel Characters to WOTC. (And they the gave us X-Men TCG - thanks Wizards). This was undoubtedly a business decision and you have to remember Marvel was going through tough financial times back then, including a period of bankruptcy. Selling the license brought in money and perhaps that was simply more attractive than a game they couldn't afford to support, that wasn't bringing in much money, and that was facing tough competition from 1,001 other ccg's. The Marvel-CCG license subsequently passed to Upper Deck (VS) and may now have expired. Now that Disney owns Marvel perhaps the mouse wants to put their money into resurrecting a family friendly game...

If any single event 'killed' OverPower it was that. However OverPower had been sick for a while. Again, much of this may have been due to lack of support from Marvel and that, in turn, due to Marvel's financial situation. You could also add significant events in OverPower's health status at the move from Fleer-Skybox to Marvel Interactive and at the departure of Ron Perazza.


Quote from: JohnL on August 05, 2011, 02:27:35 PM
... If any single event 'killed' OverPower it was that...

That's funny... I always thought this was the Event that killed Overpower...

Quote* HEROES AVENGE MURDER  <MC> {R}          Iron Man
        One Front Line Hero of your choice is immediately KO'd. Reserve Hero
            immediately moves into play. Card is discarded if it will end game.
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


That's funny... I always thought this was the Event that killed Overpower...

     * HEROES AVENGE MURDER  <MC> {R}          Iron Man
        One Front Line Hero of your choice is immediately KO'd. Reserve Hero
            immediately moves into play. Card is discarded if it will end game.

Too funny!  lol


taking 1 less hit is always good

but i hate that those were opd