Playing a CN with a CD

Started by Nostalgic, February 24, 2012, 12:38:39 PM

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If I have Catwoman's CN in play 'No Universe cards may be played against Catwoman for remainder of battle' and through a battlesite play Beast's CD 'Only attacks made with Universe cards may be played agaist Beast for remainder of battle' on her what happens?

Do the two cards both apply and its effectively as if I played a BJ on her, or does the second special played effectively 'negate' the first?
ncannelora -"I don't care if you're Captain - freakin' - America, you ALWAYS avoid a Standoff with Wolverine!!!"

a_noble_kaz - "If Mr Fantastic had an AO, he would be the god of Overpower."


Quote from: Nostalgic on February 24, 2012, 12:38:39 PM
If I have Catwoman's CN in play 'No Universe cards may be played against Catwoman for remainder of battle' and through a battlesite play Beast's CD 'Only attacks made with Universe cards may be played agaist Beast for remainder of battle' on her what happens?

Do the two cards both apply and its effectively as if I played a BJ on her, or does the second special played effectively 'negate' the first?

I feel like I've read a Meta Rule that states that the most recent altering-card is the one that is effective... but that may not be correct, I just seem to remember that... I'll try to look it up, though (unless some one else answers definitively in the meantime).
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


i believe the 'most recent' meta only refers to contradictions

no universe/only universe...i've been told that's a complete lockdown


Yes, that's a complete lock down.

If it were a CD with "Only universe" and then a CD with "Only strength attacks", then the Strength attack nullifies the Universe one.


But why would the "only strength attacks" nullify the "only universe" CD?  Is it because they are both CD specials?  I mean, technically, the combining them shouldn't nullify, just make incoming attacks that much more difficult, as they would need to be "strength with universe cards," were as, in the case of a nullifier, you would be almost just as devistating by only playing the "only strength" CD against an Energy, Fighting or Int team, or only playing the "only universe" against a non-teamwork heavy deck.


Quote from: Demacus on February 24, 2012, 04:26:57 PM
But why would the "only strength attacks" nullify the "only universe" CD?  Is it because they are both CD specials?  I mean, technically, the combining them shouldn't nullify, just make incoming attacks that much more difficult, as they would need to be "strength with universe cards," were as, in the case of a nullifier, you would be almost just as devistating by only playing the "only strength" CD against an Energy, Fighting or Int team, or only playing the "only universe" against a non-teamwork heavy deck.

Yeah, I agree that it shouldn't overwrite anything. It seems to me that if you want to spend 3 or 4 cards to get the effect of 1 Charm, that's your problem  :D
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


I'm basing my argument on the definition of only, which means exclusivity.

If you were to use a real life example: "I can only play OverPower on Saturdays", if you add "I can only play OverPower on Sundays", there is a conflict because the word "only" implies that everything else is void.


Interesting angle, Jack.  That's really hard to argue with.  lol


Quote from: Jack on February 24, 2012, 09:14:53 PM
I'm basing my argument on the definition of only, which means exclusivity.

If you were to use a real life example: "I can only play OverPower on Saturdays", if you add "I can only play OverPower on Sundays", there is a conflict because the word "only" implies that everything else is void.

That's a good example. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of the AH/CD combination (from X-World Battlesite, for example).
"Only Universe cards may be played against Beast..."
"No Universe cards may be played against Storm..."

So, "I can only play Overpower on Saturdays." and then, "I cannot play Overpower on Saturdays." therefore, I cannot play Overpower...  :'(
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


Quote from: Jack on February 24, 2012, 09:14:53 PM
I'm basing my argument on the definition of only, which means exclusivity.

If you were to use a real life example: "I can only play OverPower on Saturdays", if you add "I can only play OverPower on Sundays", there is a conflict because the word "only" implies that everything else is void.

But what about when the cards are not mutually exclusive in their restrictions? For example:
Only Strength attacks may be played against XX for remainder of battle.
Only attacks made with Universe cards may be played against XX for remainder of battle.

Isn't that like saying, "I can only play Overpower on Saturdays." and also, "I can only play Overpower after 5pm." and therefore, "I can only play Overpower on Saturdays after 5pm."

"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


That's the way to interpret it in English and in OverPower. You're further restricting yourself with the Only clauses.